Sohail Inayatullah
Futures studies researcher and a professor at the Graduate Institute of Futures Studies at Tamkang University in Taipei, Taiwan.
ma 24.03.2025
Klo 18:00 - 20:00
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy
In times of increasing risks and the need for change, collaboration is key! Therefore, we are happy and honoured to invite Nordic FBN NxGs to an interactive online session with Professor Sohail Inayatullah on how to shape the future we want.
In his keynote, Prof. Inayatullah will present “Causal Layered Analysis” - a theory and methodology on how to have deeper and longer-lasting change. CLA is based on years of research and numerous case studies with international organizations such as Interpol, the Asia Development Bank, WIPO, OECD, WHO, UNDP, and numerous nation states and international forums including Family Offices and Impact Investing.
After his presentation Prof. Inayatullah will introduce an interactive session for all participants applying CLA to the research question: the future of Nordic cooperation.
This is a unique opportunity we are happy and proud to bring to all the Nordic FBN NxGs and we hope many of you will join us!
This is also a pre-session for the Nordic Summit that will be held in Olso 11-13 June 2025. The pre-session is a great opportunity to get to know other Nordic NxGs beforehand and start the conversations that will continue during the Summit.
*By signing up for this event you accept that Family Business Norway can send you information about the upcoming Nordic Summit in Oslo
11-13th June.
17:00 Welcome!
17:15 Sohail Inayatullah – “Shaping our future”
17:40 Guidance of Causal Layered Analysis work
18:00 Breakout session/small group session 1
18:30 Breakout session/small group session 2
18:45 Summary
19:00 Finish
Tapahtumat, valmennukset ja Next Gen, Perheyritysten liitto