Ia Poikulainen
ma 26.06.2023
ke 30.08.2023
Oslo + Kööpenhamina
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy
Registration for this event has ended
The course is targeting next generation family members from the FBN network. The prerequisites for the students for the summer school, is that they meet the requirements for submission at studies at bachelor levels.
The summer school gives 7,5 credits (ECTS), which demand 30 hours of teaching and an exam. The teaching will be divided on two modules (26.-28. June, Oslo and 28.-30. August, Copenhagen) with reading and an assignment the students work on between the modules. The course will be taught in English.
For OSLO we will combine the course with some great company visits. The accommodation is at hotel Filip owned by one of the members of FBNorway https://www.hotelfilip.no/. The hotel has no conference facilities, so we will visit different FBN members for the lecture and company visit each day.
Day one will be at Bergehus owned by Havfonn https://www.havfonn.com/ Havfonn is a family investment company with a history of the maritime industry. The 5G owner will tell us about their company history and the history of their office villa.
Day two will be a Møller Medvind Arena https://mollermedvindarena.no/ The Møller family is one of the largest car dealers in Norway with 90 years of history. After many years with philanthropic activities, they integrated the social responsibility in their core activities. In Møller Medvind they have a fantastic model for inclusion. We wrote a Polaris case about Møller Medvind in 2019 https://familybusinessnorway.no/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Polaris-2019.pdf
At the evening for day 2 we will visit The salmon https://www.thesalmon.no/en/ This is a visiting center for fish farming owned by two FBN members NovaSea (produce salmon) and Alex Sushi (serve fish at their restaurant).
Day three will be at Ferds office, the largest family office in Norway. https://ferd.no/en/ Ferd is a great role model of social entrepreneurship and impact investing. At Ferd we will meet the non-family CEO.
In COPENHAGEN we will stay at a family owned hotel with a conference room with all the lectures given at the same venue. In Copenhagen we will also meet owners in addition to the lectures. Maya Færch 5G owner of Færch fondene https://faerchfonden.dk/ and former NxG president in FBN international. Maya will share with us the opportunities for the next generation in family firms. We will also meet an entrepreneur, Eva Fischer Hansen co-founder for Balance2Perform. Both Maya and Eva are active members of FBN. So we are delighted that they will visit us during the course days to share their experience.
CeFEO provide all teaching and theoretical content required to fulfil the requirements to 7,5 credits (30 hours). https://center.hj.se/center/cefeo.html CeFEO is the largest family business center in Europe measured by number of academic staff and publications. The following faculty will deliver the course:
Module 1 in Oslo:
Massimo Bau, Senior Associate Professor, CeFEO Director
Kajsa Haag, Assistant Professor, Associate Dean of Faculty
Simone Møkster, PhD Candidate & Family Business Norway
Lamiaa Bakri, PhD Candidate
Modul 2 in Copenhagen:
Massimo Bau Senior Associate Professor, CeFEO Director
Joaquin Cestino Castilla, Assistant Professor, CeFEO Head of Outreach
Simone Møkster, PhD Candidate & Family Business Norway
Laura Bauske, PhD Candidate
Target group: Next generation owners of family businesses from 19 to 35 years
Credits: 7,5 on bachelor level
Participation fee: NOK 15.000 to cover accommodation & food during both modules
Registration: Registration to FBNorway by 1st of May. The participant will receive a link to upload transcripts to document qualification for studies at Bachelor level.
The University of Jönköping, Centre of Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO) is the largest centre for family business research in Europe measured by number of academic staff and publications.
26.-28.6., Oslo
28.-30.8., Kööpenhamina
Osioiden välillä omatoimista opiskelua
Perheyritysten jatkajasukupolvelle
15000 NOK
(n. 1300 eur)