Amit Joshi
Professor @ IMD Business School | PhD, Marketing (
to 18.04.2024
Klo 16:00 - 17:30
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy
In a joint effort to bring a very relevant topic to our members, 14 FBN chapters invite you to join this outstanding opportunity to learn more about AI. "Navigating the Future with an AI Strategy" is a webinar to extend valuable insights into how AI is revolutionizing industries and its implications on family businesses.
We will have the fortune to explore this complex topic with the help of Amit Joshi, Professor of AI, Analytics, and Marketing Strategy at IMD, who specializes in helping organizations use artificial intelligence and develop their big data, analytics, and AI capabilities. He is an award-winning professor and researcher with extensive experience in AI and analytics-driven transformations in industries such as banking, fintech, retail, services, automotive, telecoms, and pharma.
The webinar will cover topics such as:
You will also have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the speaker in a dedicated Q&A at the end of the session.
Registration: NO FEE for participants. Kindly note that in order to register for the event, members must first log in to FBN Connect.
Zoom link: The zoom link will be sent to all registered participants a day before the webinar.
Recordings: Please note that the session will not be recorded.
Webinaari on tarkoitettu vain Perheyritysten liiton jäsenille.
Pääset ilmoittautumaan webinaariin FBN:n jäsenportaalin kautta. Mikäli sinulla ei ole vielä pääsyä FBN:n jäsenportaaliin, otathan yhteyttä PL:n jäsenpalveluihin, tai kysy suoraan Emmalta:
18.4. klo 16:00-17:30 (EET; Helsinki)
Kaikille Perheyritysten liiton jäsenille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet tekoälystä ja sen tulevaisuudesta
Professor @ IMD Business School | PhD, Marketing (