Tapahtumat ja valmennukset / Kalenteri

Winter Academy 2025

tammi 2

to 30.01.2025
su 02.02.2025


Ilmoittautuminen päättyy





Winter Wonderland is calling all NxGs in January 2025! Mark the dates already to your calendar, the registrations will open during May 2024.

Welcome to the Winter Wonderland - Levi, Finnish Lapland!

We are excited to invite YOU to participate in the Winter Academy - an NxG seminar with exciting Family Business Cases, a Company Visit, and lots of networking and group discussions with NxGs worldwide!

During the weekend we will hear some inspirational keynote speakers and real-life cases. We will also challenge ourselves at workshops and visit some local family businesses.

And let us not forget about the winter activities and after ski – that is after all what Winter Academy is known for!

Be prepared to get inspired and to network.


The theme for the 2025 Winter Academy is "Taking Ownership & Creating Your Own Path within the Family Business"



ARRIVAL: 30.1.2025


Flights from Helsinki (HKI) to Kittilä Airport (KTT):

  • 13:10-14:40 Finnair – AY579


Group transport to Levi Centre by bus approx. 40 min.

Please note that during the winter season, Finnair and other airlines such as Lufthansa, Eurowings and Air France fly directly from Europe.


Night Train from Helsinki to Kolari

  • The train schedule will be available approximately 5 months before the event. 

Group transport is organized if needed.


Bus from Helsinki to Levi

  • The schedule is not yet available.


More information on arriving at Levi from here! 


Please note that flights or other transportation to or from Levi is not included in the program. Only the group transportations from the Airport (and train station if needed) to Levi Centre are included. 




We are staying in the Levi Centre alpine villas in joint accommodation with other NxGs. Max out your networking and choose this accommodation! 

Altogether there are 8 villas booked for us, each villa accommodates approximately 6-12 people. In each villa, there are individual rooms for two people. In the registration form, you can request a roommate, and we'll try our best to consider your preferences. 

You can also opt out of the group accommodation, and book your accommodation yourself. If you prefer to book your accommodation, please note that in the registration form, and choose the ticket without the accommodation. 



If you are interested in partaking in some of the exciting Winter Wonderland outdoor activities, please note that on the registration form. The Winter activities registrations will be collected closer to the event. 



FBN Finland / Perheyritysten liitto members:

  • With group accommodation: 410 € + VAT
  • Without group accommodation: 285 € + VAT

FBN International members: 

  • With group accommodation: 610 € + VAT
  • Without group accommodation: 485 € + VAT

When registering, please note in the registration form if you are an FBN International member of an FBN Finland member. The price difference in the registration fee is due to our local partnership contracts.



You will receive an invoice before the event in December 2024. Payment time is 14 days. Please be informed that your ticket for the event will only be considered valid upon payment of your invoice. Kindly ensure that your invoice is settled to secure your spot at the event.

Perheyritysten liitto / The Finnish Family Firms Association members: Please choose whether you want a personal invoice or an invoice to your family business.

FBN International members/Non-members: Only personal invoices via email are possible.

Should you have any questions regarding your invoice, please contact jasenpalvelu@perheyritys.fi.



DEPARTURE: 2.2.2025


Group transport to Kittilä Airport by bus approx. 40 min.

Flights from Kittilä Airport (KTT) to Helsinki (HKI):

  • Option 1: 14:30-15:55 Finnair AY582
  • Option 2: 13:40-15:10 Finnair AY574

Please note that during the winter season, Finnair and other airlines such as Lufthansa, Eurowings and Air France fly directly from Europe.


Night Train from Kolari to Helsinki

  • The train schedule will be available approximately 5 months before the event. 

Group transport is organized if needed.


Bus from Levi to Helsinki

  • The schedule is not yet available.


Please note that flights or other transportation to or from Levi is not included in the program. Only the group transportations from the Airport (and train station if needed) to Levi Centre are included. 


Thursday 30.1.

Arrival to Levi

The nearest Airport is Kittilä, group transport to Levi Centre.
The nearest train station is Kolari, group transport will be organized if needed.
There is also a bus connection from Helsinki straight to Levi Centre

Company Visit

Hullu Poro Oy (Crazy Reindeer) - Hospitality and Event Arena
A story about how the Levi Winter Wonderland was built

Welcome Dinner

Friday 31.1.

First Conference Day

Inspiring Cases and workshops

CASE: Luxury Action - An awarded pioneer in Finnish Luxury Travel products
CASE: Kemppi Group - NxG Story about creativity and entrepreneurship

Workshops and group discussions

The conference includes lunch and a coffee break.


Saturday 1.2.

Winter Activities


Second Conference Day

Workshops and group work.

The conference includes lunch and a coffee break.

Closing Dinner

Sunday 2.2.

Departure from Levi

Shared transport to Kittilä Airport will be organized,
Shared transport to Kolari Train Station will be organized if needed.


Janne Honkanen

CEO & FOUNDER, Luxury Action

Janne has been working exclusively in the private travel sector, creating luxury travel products and setting trends in the Nordic region, since 1996. He is a pioneer of Finland’s luxury travel business. Janne has led the way in experimental travel. His enthusiasm, innovative approach and endless curiosity have made Luxury Action what it is today – a creator of entirely new travel experiences

  • EY Entrepreneur of The Year 2015 Northern Finland Award Winner
  • The Best Adventure Designer DMC 2016 Award Winner by Traveller Made®
  • Member of Family Business Network Finland
  • The travel company of the year 2019 by Finnish Travel Gala

Aaro Vasama

4th Gen, Kemppi Group

Aaro has a background field of Corporate Finance and Investments. Aaro lived and studied in Boston, United States, before returning back to Helsinki for work. He is the Fourth Gen of the Finnish family company Kemppi Group Oy, which owns Kemppi Oy, a 75-year-old welding machine manufacturer, Kemptron Oy, an EMS business and remains the main owner of publicly-traded company Kempower Oyj, which manufactures DC EV charges for cars and utility vehicles. 

The list will be updated...



With accommodation: 410 € + alv.

Without accommodation 285 € + alv.



With accommodation: 610 € + VAT

Without accommodation: 485 € + VAT



Hissitie 8, 99130 Levi


Emma Martela

Tapahtuma- ja valmennuskoordinaattori, Perheyritysten liitto

+358 505371793
